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As of

This organization shall be known as the BOONSBORO MIDDLE-SENIOR HIGH BAND BOOSTERS, INC., d/b/a Boonsboro Band Boosters.


The Objective of the Boonsboro Band Boosters shall be to assist the Middle and Senior High School Bands and their directors to obtain and maintain a high level of musical competence, spirit, and pride through moral, financial, and volunteer support. This incorporated organization will abide by Board of Education of Washington County policies and administrative regulations that apply to school- based activities and fundraisers.

  • ï‚·  Moral Support shall be given by voluntary personal encouragement to the entire Boonsboro High School and Middle School Band programs, as well as to individual members.

  • ï‚·  Financial Support shall be derived through payment of all required band- related fees and participation in acceptable fund-raising activities undertaken by the Boonsboro Band Boosters. Such activities shall have the approval of the school principal(s) and shall not interfere with normal school activities.

  • ï‚·  Volunteer Support shall be achieved by the membership of the Boonsboro Band Boosters, thereby setting an example for our student musicians that hard work and sweat equity matter to the success of the Band and Booster organizations. Specific volunteer MINIMUM requirements per year are as follows:

    •   For HS families,

      • ï‚·  2 shifts during the fall athletic season at the concession


      • ï‚·  1 shift during the spring athletic season at the concession


    •   For 7th and 8th grade MS families,

ï‚· 1 shift during the fall or the spring athletic season at the concession stand.

Proposal for activities and projects will be discussed with and endorsed by the principal(s) before they are presented to the Boonsboro Band parents and/or students.


Full Membership Any parent, stepparent, or guardian of a band member of the Boonsboro Middle or Senior High School Band shall be accorded full membership in the Boonsboro Band Boosters. Full Membership in good standing requires all band-related fees and volunteer commitments be met for a given school year, or on a case-by-case basis, an alternative arrangement has been recorded and agreed to by the member, Band Director, President and Treasurer of Boonsboro Band Boosters. Any deviation from the agreed upon alternative

arrangement could jeopardize the member's good standing status. At a point during the year that all fiscal or volunteer commitments are fulfilled, a member will be considered in good standing.


A full member in good standing shall be eligible to hold office and shall be entitled to one (1) vote on all matters acted upon at any associated meeting. Full members not in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote on Boonsboro Band Booster Business only.


Associate Membership Any other person (alumni, staff, other than directors, etc.) expressing an interest in the Boonsboro Middle or Senior High School Band and who desires to be affiliated with the Boonsboro Band Boosters, may be given associate membership status by the Boonsboro Band Boosters. Any associate member is entitled to all rights and privileges of a full member, excluding the right to hold office and vote in the Boonsboro Band Boosters.


Board of Directors, also referred to as the Executive Committee, shall consist of all elected officers and up to four (4) elected members, two (2) from Senior High and two (2) from Middle School and the immediate past president, who shall serve for one (1) year. Elected officers and elected Board members each must be a full member in good standing.


Board of Directors meetings shall be held monthly during the months of September through May for the discussion of Boonsboro Band Boosters business, unless such meetings are deemed unnecessary by the President, with the approval of the Board. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any business meeting and a majority vote of those present shall govern.


Monthly General Meetings of the Boonsboro Band Boosters shall be held monthly with timing determined by the Board of Directors beginning in September and ending in May and at such other times as deemed necessary. Members may request meetings through the Board of Directors.


Matters concerning policy and activities of the Boonsboro Band Boosters shall be discussed by the Board of Directors and presented to the membership for action at any duly constituted meeting of the Boonsboro Band Boosters. Other business may be brought up on the floor at any duly constituted meeting for action.


Election of officers shall be held at the May meeting of the Boonsboro Band Boosters. An election shall be held for the offices of President, Vice-President for Concession, Vice President for Fundraising, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and four (4) Directors - two (2) from Senior High and two (2) from Middle School.


Term of office shall be one (1) year with the exception of elected Directors, which shall be two (2) years; with eligibility for re-election. Officers of the Boonsboro Band Boosters shall serve without compensation. At a time no later than the March meeting, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating committee consisting of five (5) members of the Boonsboro Band Boosters to prepare a slate of candidates for each office, for consideration by the full membership of Boonsboro Band Boosters. At the time of the April or May meeting, the floor shall be open for further nominations. Any nomination from the floor shall have prior consent of the nominee. Election to office shall be by the simple plurality vote of those members present and voting at the May meeting.


In the event of a vacancy for any reason, the Board of Directors shall sit as a nominating committee and submit a name or names of candidates to fill the vacancy at the next duly constituted monthly meeting of the Boonsboro Band Boosters. At the time of the meeting, the floor shall be open for additional nominations. Any nomination from the floor shall have the prior consent of the nominee. Election to office shall be by simple plurality vote of those present and voting.


Uniform Fee 50% of all profits from the four (4) designated fund-raising events scheduled on the school calendar will be deposited into the uniform fund. Profits are defined as those monies raised above and beyond any expenses associated to the fundraiser involved. These expenses may exclude commissions paid to band members during a trip year.


Concession Building The Concession Building was funded and constructed by the Boonsboro Band Boosters in 1983. The building shall be used by the Band Boosters for all BHS home junior varsity and varsity sporting events held at the BHS stadium and for any other Band Booster functions. Any other organization wishing to use the building will need mutual approval/agreement from the Band Boosters Association and the principal of the Boonsboro High School. If another organization uses the building, a member of the Band Boosters Association must be present.


Amendments This constitution or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Boonsboro Band Boosters present at any duly constituted meeting following the second reading of the proposed changes. The second (2nd) reading must be circulated by e-mail to the entire membership and/or posted on social media outlets utilized by the Boonsboro Band Boosters, such as Facebook, BHS/Band website page, etc.


Board of Directors - Attends all Board and General Membership meetings. Supports the organization by chairing or co-chairing fund-raising activities throughout the year. Takes appropriate action on all issues at Board meetings, giving recommendations to General Membership. Performs any duties delegated by the President.


Fiscal Controls


Reports: Obtain year end reports and review for completeness and reasonableness. Compare fund balance at the end of the prior year to the end of the current year and compare to net income on statement of activity, reconciling any differences. Verify the rational for any significant reduction in fund balance. Review types of accounts and amounts for appropriateness and reasonableness.


Cash Disbursements: Select a sample of checks from throughout the year and compare to supporting invoices, considering authenticity, reasonableness, appropriateness of expenditure, approval, timeliness of payment, classification in the accounts, and adherence to check writing policy/procedure. A portion of this sample must include checks made payable to the principal and bookkeeper.


Cash Receipts: Select a sample of deposits on the bank statement and trace to deposit slips and recording in the general ledger for proper classification. Compare date of deposit to date of activity generating the cash receipt to verify timeliness of deposit. Conversely, select a sample of cash receipts and verify that they are deposited intact.


Bank Reconciliations: Review three bank reconciliations (from the beginning, middle, and end of the year) for accuracy, completeness, and unusual items. Review for stale-dated outstanding checks, if any. Review subsequent bank statement for clearing of deposits in transit and outstanding checks.




Presides at all meetings; heads the Board of Directors; supervises the function of all committees and in general sees that rules; policies and principles of the Boonsboro Band Boosters are observed; when necessary, represents the Boonsboro Band Boosters in Boonsboro High School or Boonsboro Middle School school-related events or meetings and Washington County Public School/Board of Education events. Elected officer must be a full member in good standing.



Presides in the absence of the President; Oversees complete operations of the BHS Stadium concession stand, including volunteers providing shopping, scheduling and other tasks associated with the successful operations of the stand; Coordinates with Washington County Board of Health, as required; oversees all food-related commitments for additional activities undertaken by Boonsboro Band Boosters (i.e. Indoor competition, Season kick-off picnic, etc.); works with other officers and committees; is a member of all committees, and carries out such duties as may be delegated by the President. Elected officer must be a full member in good standing.



Presides in the absence of the President; Researches and presents no more than four (4) potential fundraising activities to be undertaken by the Boonsboro Band Boosters to meet the fundraising requirements for a given school year; organizes and oversees all volunteers providing support of specific activities including but not limited to Air grams and candy grams at BHS stadium sporting events, and the annual Tag day Fundraising event; works with other officers and committees; is a member of all committees, and carries out such duties as may be delegated by the President. Elected officer must be a full member in good standing.



Records the minutes of all meetings, is responsible for all Boonsboro Band Boosters correspondence, notices of meetings and other business correspondence; works with other officers and committees; is a member of all committees, and carries out such duties as may be delegated by the President.


Assistant Secretary to fill in for Secretary in matters pertaining to meeting minutes, correspondence, notices of meetings, and other business correspondence; works with other officers and committees; is a member of all committees, and carries out such duties as may be delegated by the President. Elected officer must be a full member in good standing.



Responsible for the collection of and reporting on all Boonsboro Band Boosters funds; receives and deposits all funds to the Boonsboro Band Boosters bank account(s) including but not limited to collection of all band program fees (Marching band fees, Indoor Percussion fees, transportation fees, uniform fees, etc.), concession stand revenues, fundraising project fees, etc.; ensures all bills and liabilities are paid on time and represents to the Board of Directors any fiscal issues requiring attention, such as filing of annual tax returns, etc.; works with President and MS & HS Band Directors to draft and present for approval a new annual budget for the organization; works with other officers and committees; is a member of all committees, and carries out such duties as may be delegated by the President.


Assistant Treasurer provides necessary assistance to fulfill all of the Treasurer functions and fills in for Treasurer at times of absence; works with other officers and committees; is a member of all committees, and carries out such duties as may be delegated by the President. Elected officer must be a full member in good standing.


Approved 4/22/2024 – Bylaws updated to make meeting dates more flexible and to add flexibility in fundraising added to uniform savings during a trip year. First reading March 4, 2024, Ratified at April 22, 2024 meeting.
Approved 08/28/2017 – Bylaws updated as mandated by the Washington County Board of Education newly adopted Policy KB “Incorporated Organization Fundraising Activities”
APPROVED 4/29/14 – Bylaws updated to reflect more accurate operations of Boonsboro Band Boosters; First reading at 3/24 meeting; Ratification sought at April 2014 meeting.
Approved 4/29/13 – Elections - Nominating committee to be appointed in March and officer elections to be held in May.
Approved 2/24/06- The Concession Stand Chairperson shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors.

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